How to Use The Scientific Method to Track and IMPROVE Your Behavior & Training Results

Instructors: Suzanne Hetts, Ph.D., CAAB, CVJ and Daniel Estep, Ph.D., CAAB In recent years, there’s been a push to make dog training “science based”.  Yet the reality is that data about the effectiveness of training and behavior modification protocols are scarce.  As a busy trainer or behavior consultant just trying to help people with their…

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Canine Aggression to Non-Family Members

Instructors:  Suzanne Hetts, Ph.D., CAAB, CVJ and Daniel Estep, Ph.D., CAAB No other canine behavior problem causes so much concern or attracts so much public attention as aggression to people. Communities struggle with how to keep people safe and at the same time allow dog owners to have their pets. Lawsuits are often brought by…

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Crates and Confinement for Behavior Management

Instructors:  Suzanne Hetts, Ph.D., CAAB, CVJ, and Daniel Estep, Ph.D., CAAB Crates are often recommended to help house train dogs, prevent puppy destructiveness and to prevent or manage a variety of problems in older dogs. In some circles, crates are considered the central tool in the training and management of pet dogs. One rationale for…

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Feline Aggression to Other Cats

Instructors:  Suzanne Hetts, Ph.D., CAAB, and Daniel Estep, Ph.D., CAAB One of the most serious and difficult problems faced by cat owners is fighting among the animals. In some cases, it is aggression directed at non-family neighbor cats. In other cases it is fighting between family cats. In a few cases it may be both.…

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Using Play To Treat Canine Aggression

Instructor:  Dr. Karen London, CAAB. Faciliated by Suzanne Hetts, Ph.D., CAAB and Dan Estep, Ph.D., CAAB Dealing with dog aggression problems can be frightening to pet parents and difficult for behavior consultants and dog trainers. In recent years, a variety of new therapeutic approaches have arisen as well as variations of older ones.  Some of…

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Managing Dogs in a Group Setting

Instructor:  Ms. Kathy Sdao, M.A., ACAAB.  Faciliated by Suzanne Hetts, Ph.D., CAAB and Dan Estep, Ph.D., CAAB Whether you have a multi dog family, take your dog to a dog park, conduct training classes, or own a doggie day care or boarding kennel, you are managing dogs in a group setting.  The dogs in the…

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An Introduction to Mobile Marketing to Grow Your Business

Do you have all the business and all the clients you want? Do you know that more and more people are searching for local businesses using their phones, and that 60% of those users call after finding the business that way? Wouldn’t YOU like to be the business receiving those calls? In this special webinar…

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The Bite Threshold Model: Implications for Resolving Canine Aggression

Instructor: Ms. Kathy Sdao, M.A., ACAAB Facilitated by Suzanne Hetts, Ph.D., CAAB and Dan Estep, Ph.D., CAAB Few topics evoke as much controversy and emotion as dog bites and aggression.  Professionals often hear from owners comments that include: “I never thought he’d actually bite!” “He just seemed to bite for no reason.” “It just came…

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Fundamentals of Animal Learning

Instructors: Dr. Dan Estep, and Dr. Suzanne Hetts To avoid confusion, we recommend reading ALL the information on this page Do you know the difference between punishment and negative reinforcement? Do you know what they have in common? Can you identify when negative punishment is being used in a training situation and when it isn’t?…

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Shining The Light of Science on Canine Behavior

Instructors: Dr. Dan Estep, and Dr. Suzanne Hetts To avoid confusion, we recommend reading ALL the information on this page Do you: Think that prey drive and pack drive really explain dog behavior? Think that behavior problems are caused by dominance issues with owners, or that reactivity explains some dog behavior problems? Want to discover…

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