Cujo Meets Pavlov: Using classical conditioning as a foundation for resolving leash-aggression

Instructors:  Kathy Sdao, M.A. ACAAB, facilitated by Suzanne Hetts, Ph.D. and Daniel Q. Estep, Ph.D., CAABs

Most neighborhoods have at least one dog that turns into a snarling beast when he sees another dog while on a walk. This dramatic over-reaction of barking and lunging could escalate to actual aggression, creating dangerous situations for dogs and people. Many owners greatly restrict their dogs’ activities or even stop taking their “Cujo-dog” out in public because they not only are they embarrassed but also don’t know how to manage their dogs. This can have a crippling effect on the dog’s overall behavioral health.

Dog-dog aggression that is manifest on leash is one of the most common problems trainers frustrated and scared dog owners bring to trainers and behavior consultants.  Learn how the application of classical conditioning can both prevent the development of leash aggression and resolve these problems, turning stressful walks into more peaceful strolls.

In this webinar we will:
* Review classical conditioning and conditioned emotional responses
* Review the types of aggression and how leash aggression is categorized
* Discuss potential causes for leash aggression
* Explain how classical conditioning can be used to prevent leash aggression problems
* Show you how classical conditioning can be used to resolve leash aggression problems

 Kathy lectures all over the world, and most of you are quite familiar with her, but if you want more info, Click Here  To read her bio on her website.  Now, you have another chance to learn from Kathy without leaving your home!  Too cool a deal to pass up!

Here’s what participants have said about a few of Kathy’s previous webinar courses:

“This was so interesting.  Kathy was a fun speaker to listen to.  So upbeat.  I loved her energy.  She had a way of explaining something so that I really found myself shaking my head as to say ‘now I get it and that makes so much sense”.   Debbie

“There were several “wow!” moments each week in the material.  I thought the concept of luring using food becoming a poisoned cue was remarkable.  Thanks for putting on such an interesting session!”  Petra

 “Once again I love how Kathy explains behavior of both man and beast. I picked up so many tips as well as some techniques I need to tweak.”
“Kathy presented material in such a friendly way and it was easy to stay completely engaged in the lesson.” 
   Pam J-Bennett

With those descriptions we know you won’t want to miss this opportunity!

The class is available On Demand.  After you purchase the course, you have One Month to complete the three sessions and submit your answers to the questions asked during each session in order to receive your CEUs from CCPDT or IAABC.

This course is approved for 3.0 CEUs from CCPDT and IAABC.

Registration fee:  $79 

Checkout with Paypal.  You don’t have to have a Paypal account – you can pay with your credit card.



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